Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Beautiful Celebration

I have to share the cutest thing about one of my kiddos in class.  Yesterday she brought a treat to share with all the students.  It wasn't her birthday or star student of the week, it was what she called her "Adoption Day"!  She was so proud to tell the class what the day meant to her and why it was so special.  This was the day her adoptive parents made it official in court that their daughter belonged to them.  The kids were excited for her and loved her treat. (of course!)  I said they need to make a song for a special occasion such as this and one little boy chimed in, "Why don't we sing to the tune of Happy Birthday" but just sing "Adoption Day" instead?"  So, we did!  All 24 of us sang the song as if we had done it before a million other times and I just watched the little girl's face beam with pride!  It kind of brought tears to my eyes to think that that could be our daughter (or son) one day in their class room.  I just thought what a beautiful celebration and thanked God for being blessed with this child in my room this year. 

1 comment:

  1. This is a beautiful story, Kim! The story warmed my heart on this very cold night! Sending prayers and good thoughts your way that your hearts will be blessed with a little one very soon!
