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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Very Torn

We have researched and found out lots of details surrounding the potential match opportunity, from a few days ago, with our new 2nd agency.  The baby has a rare heart defect and there was much to learn and keep in mind.  We prayerfully considered this opportunity, but we feel it is not right for us.  We hope and pray for the birthmom in finding the perfect adoptive family, for her little guy to be born in Oct. We also pray for the baby and his well being.  We know he will have a long and difficult road ahead.  The good news is that this birthmother has three doctors who are closely monitoring the baby and she is getting the best care possible.  Although we've been so torn on this, it is somewhat comforting to know he'll be in good hands. 

The wait continues and we have more faith than ever now!

1 comment:

  1. We are praying for you and Scott as you continue on your journey.
