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Saturday, September 24, 2011

Placement Pending!!!!

We got THE call Thursday evening! Talked with our agency and were given details about a baby girl born Thursday morning.  If all goes well, we will bring her home Tuesday!!! We are beyond excited!  I am still in shock and disbelief!  We went to the hospital and got to meet this little one.  Oh my word, precious as could be!! We got to hold her, feed her, and change her diaper!  We have a GAZILLION things to get ready and do, so this post is super short and I know I'm leaving many of you hanging.  I promise to have more details soon, and pictures!! Please pray for us and our soon to be little girl!


  1. My prayers with you and Scott. What a blessing for all. God bless.

  2. Super excited and happy for all 3 of you. God is faithful.

  3. Yippee yippee yippee!!!! Can not wait to hear details!!!! Oh how exciting!!!!!!! I remember the day we learned of our Daniel and placed our eyes on him for the very first time. I'm smiling ear to ear for you!
