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Sunday, March 20, 2011

Petunia Picklebottom

I am looking forward to Spring Break in a week!  It will be good to reboot and recharge my battery and gear up for the last nine weeks of school.  Scott is taking off too, so we can maybe golf, do some yard work if the weather is nice, take a bike ride, and just have some down time together.  I'm most looking forward to shopping for nursery furniture believe it or not!  Recently, I've been infatuated with diaper bags. SO, so many to choose from! I remember a couple years back, one in particular caught my eye.  I was walking behind a mom pushing a stroller in a store, trying not to be so obvious, to get a close up look at her diaper bag.  I didn't want her to think I was stalking her or her baby.  She stopped for a few minutes in an isle and I pretended to look on the bottom shelf right next to her.  I spotted the name brand of the bag... Petunia Picklebottom!  Oooo, what a snazzy, cool name I thought!  Well, little did I know, it's the Cadillac, the Rodeo Drive, the Ritz Carlton, the Coach of all diaper bags!  Translation - EXPENSIVE!  Adorable though, nonetheless!  I don't spend that much on a regular purse, let alone a diaper bag.  This is a similar to the one I saw:
So, I have found some cute alternatives that I'm keeping my eye on!  Like this little number from JJ Cole - very chic and could be for a boy or girl!  Plus, I think Scott wouldn't mind carrying this too!                     

Then of course, there is always a Vera Bradley baby bag like this one, but it is not cheap either.  I suppose I've got some time before I need one.  But hopefully not too much longer!  For now, it's fun to look and browse!  Of course, Scott just asked, what about me?  Do I have a say?  I did see some awesome "Diaper Dudes" at Babies R Us too!  I have a feeling we'll be shopping for more than just furniture in a couple weeks!
Baby Bag

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